
spring BR5 The Bully

Hi. Today I am going to recommend a book as a book review.
The title of this book is “The Bully.”
I was studying about bully in Minnesota in the U.S. I am interested in bullying because I had a interest about psychology.
In this story, there are two main characters. Josh is a kind kid and he is in a class which was so great before Martin Mackenzie arrived.
Martin is a transfer student and he is loud, rude and had a bad temper.
On the last day of term, Josh’s friend Harley said to him.” Martin is looking at you.”
Josh was scared and he did not know what to do. He has never done anything to Martin so he has no idea.
After school, Martin talked to Josh “See you on Monday, Josh!” from behind Josh. He could not know what Martin was saying. He turned and saw Martin grinning at him and he asked “What are you talking about?”
Martin said “Did not your mum tell you?” Josh was not told anything from his mum.
But Martin was going to stay with Josh’s house next two weeks.
It is the beginning of bad days for Josh. Martin came to his house and he was so gentleman when Josh’s Mum is there.
But, as soon as she gone, Martin turned mean. There was nothing Josh could do about it.
Josh told his Mum how horrible Martin was to Josh.
He thought that he was comforted by his Mum but she did not. She said “Martin’s dad left, so his mother moved the family every time she found a better job. Martin used to make new friends but they always forgot about him when he moved. I think he is unfriendly from the first, so he won’t be disappointed when he leaves.”
After that, Josh tried to treat Martin as his best friend no matter how he acts. It was Josh’s Mum’s idea. It was hard for Josh but he kept it. At last, Martin stopped bullying Josh. Then Josh knew that Martin is a nice kid.
And they had good news. Martin’s Mum has decided her new job is perfect, so they won’t have to move again.
Finally, they would be a real best friend and Martin could get new friends.

It is good story and I like Josh. He is so kind and he made up Martin nice kid was great. I would like to think why he is so mean, why she is so wicked if I met not good persons.
Thank you for reading.(430word)

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