I read a book “My Best Friend is a Genius.”
So I would like to write about this book as book review.
In this story, there were two boys. They were so friendly.
Gary is a usual boy. His friend, Miles, is a genius. He is smart and he invents things.
One day, Miles thought he would like to make hyper phone to connect alien.
He believed that aliens are exit and he can talk if he invent hyper phone!
Gary did not think it is enabling but Miles did not listed voices when he wanna make something.
Miles made a hyper phone few days after. They tried to call…but they did not know what number they should call.
But suddenly, the mobile phone rang! Miles pressed the speaker phone button.
A high pitched, squeaky sound came out of the phone. Slowly, the strange sounds turned into words…
“Who are you and where are you from?” the voice said.
“My name is Miles. I am from Earth. This is my friend Gary. We are in Australia on Earth. What planet are you from?” said Miles.
“Planet? I am on Earth.” The voice said.
“You are not an alien??” said Miles but the voice laughed.
Miles looked really disappointed.
At that time, Miles’s mother called Miles and she was angry.
Miles went downstairs.
As Miles left the room, the voice on the phone asked, “You say you are in Australia?”
“Yes,” said Gary.
“But Australia does not exist any more. It became a part of the Oceanic Republic over 100 years ago.”
He was surprised and said “What!? …What year is it?”
The voice said “It is 2156, of course.”
Suddenly, there was another crackle of electricity and phone went dead.
Gary pressed “Last number” button.
“I am sorry, but the number you are trying to reach is unavailable.”
Strange voice said.
It was most strange experience Gary had never had.
I think this story is scary. And I think that I can not put up with these trouble if I was in this situation.(345words)
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